Dental Treatments Unveiled: Enhancing Oral Health and Aesthetics

Veneers are used to correct cosmetic imperfections, such as discoloration, chips, cracks or gaps. Designed to enhance and beautify your smile, they can offer a dramatic change in appearance that will leave you with an enchanting, natural-looking smile. They can also be used to address underlying issues, such as crooked teeth or jaw symmetry, or even a gummy smile.

Dental fillings are a common treatment used to repair cavities or to address other dental conditions. The dentist will first perform a thorough examination to determine the extent of damage or decay, and then decide on the appropriate course of treatment. In most cases, a tooth-colored composite resin will be used to create the filling, which can then be bonded to the damaged tooth to form a solid structure that prevents further harm.

Many people do not get the regular oral health care they need. This can lead to dental problems like gum disease, tooth loss, and other serious health conditions. It can also affect a person’s ability to eat and speak, which can impact their overall quality of life. Strategies to improve access to oral health care include community-level interventions such as water fluoridation, as well as individual-level initiatives such as routine preventive visits.

While a majority of dental visits take place in dentists’ offices, new models are bringing oral health services to the communities where people live, work, and play. One such approach is the virtual dental home (VDH), which involves a licensed healthcare professional trained in the provision of routine and restorative care using portable technology and a secure internet connection. VDHs are located in a variety of settings, including Head Start sites, residential facilities for people with disabilities, and long-term care homes. They have the ability to exchange digital images and patient records with a collaborating dentist. For more details visit your local dentist in Northbrook.

In spring 2016, the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured convened a wide-ranging, multistakeholder discussion of current opportunities and challenges associated with prioritizing adult oral health in the United States. Participants in the roundtable included federal and state Medicaid officials, representatives from large health centers and large Medicaid health plans, dentists, a clinical expert from a community health center, and policy researchers. The participants’ range of perspectives and expertise provided a comprehensive overview of the issues that must be addressed to improve access to affordable, high-quality dental care for low-income adults. This brief highlights key themes that emerged from the conversation.